So it's summer. That means living in the sunshine, iced tea, picking berries, late night swims, having dirty feet all the time from walking barefoot everywhere, and loving every bit of it. If you ask me how my summer has been, I will tell you it's been great, but very different from my other summers in previous years. Which is a good thing in my opinion, I love an extent. I've stayed in one place for the most part this season, and it's a big lesson I've been learning. Learning how to be steady, staying in one place...I'm liking it. It's the whole feeling of being stable I think. Now I always say I'm a gypsy...I've always said that I can't stay in one place very long, which is still true to an extent, but it's changing. This has always been home and will always be home, but lately I'm falling in love with it more and more. So, whatever is to be said of that, I don't know...but I do know that life is good, God has been teaching me the blessings of living everyday to the full extent, and the joys of reaching out to the people around me. I couldn't ask for anything better. I've had home making things on my mind. Like baking pies, picking berries, cooking dinners and cleaning. These things make me so happy, laugh if you must, because I do.
Home. |
I have these raspberry bushes behind the house, and while we've had a drought this summer, they're still coming out pretty good.
Only the beginning.. |
I have a lot more to say, but it's getting late, and morning is going to come early tomorrow. Good night lovely's.