Monday, August 1, 2011


So today has been a quiet, slow, and lazy day. Why? Because I wanted it to be. It's my 20th today. I feel like it's so young still (well because it is), so I will breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that it's okay that I don't have everything in life figured out yet. It started with coffee in my favorite ceramic mug, (everything tastes better in it), french toast with maple syrup from my friends farm I practically grew up on, and sunshine, lot's of sunshine. Had dinner with family at this fantastic place called The Vierling, and got to catch up on my favorite blogs.  Tomorrow is back to normal, so that means I don't know when I'll be posting again. I was thinking last night that I need to have goals for this year, I'm a goal setter you see. I usually write them down in a note book and look back on them after a few months to see if they were successful, or just ridiculous. So, my goals for this next coming year are to:

  • Get back into Pilates and other forms of stretching to stay healthy, flexible and at peace with my body,
  • Record the songs I have written;
  • Depending on where I'm living next spring, start a small garden, and maintain it
  • Continue to reach out to my community, become more sensitive to the Lord's voice and follow Him, day by day. 
Of course these aren't in order, but I think they are reasonable and quite attainable. I'm excited to see what God has planned, whether it be more schooling or missionary work, I know it's going to be great. I had this nostalgic afternoon yesterday, I went out to my friends farm I grew up on (the one I mentioned earlier). It had been 10 years since I'd last been there, of course we've seen each other in between than, but after moving to Maine and back, we had just never made it back out to their farm. It was wonderful. I forgot how much I loved it out there. The horses, the chickens, the woods and fields, the friendships that were made strong, all of it was a walk down memory lane, and we all felt so blessed. I love looking back and seeing all the blessings God has provided through his people and love...His faithfulness is never ending. I have a song for you to listen to, it's a favorite of mine right now...

So there you are, just some of my thoughts for this afternoon. Time for tea and maybe some cake...cheers to another year!