Monday, January 31, 2011

New home.

So I decided it was time for a new blog, the old one just wasn't fitting. Well, it is still fitting in some ways, I'll still be posting pictures of life and telling important stories that changes life drastically (or un-drastically), but I have learned that I don't like posting every detail of my life. I don't know, its all silliness to me. Nothing wrong with it of course, just not my style of updates. And I also felt like I was straying from the main reason of why I ever started to blog. So with that being said, I wanted some place new, a place to talk about what the Lord is teaching me, how He is working in my life and how everyday is a chance to reconnect with the One who made the Heavens and the Earth. The One who loves us more than we can ever imagine, and how we can meet with Him daily if only we just listen to His voice and spend time in His Presence. True freedom is walking in the love that Jesus longs to pour out on us, and giving His love to others...unconditionally. This is something I've been finding so captivating lately. I believe that God is asking his people to take a step closer to Him. To let go of everything we think we need control of, and to trust that He has it all in His hands. There is something to say about allowing God to draw near to our hearts. The Lord says, "Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you..." He won't ever force Himself into our lives, but if we truly seek Him, He will captivate our hearts in a way we've never known before, and we will experience true joy, love, freedom, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. That is all I want really want in this life. To have an ever growing relationship with my Savior, to walk hand in hand with Him, and to let Him take the lead. If anyone reads this and thinks I'm crazy, that's quite alright with me. God has been reminding me that if I want to find Him, I need not look for Him in the fire, or in the raging wind... but to stop and listen for His voice. For when we when we listen to His whisper, our life with Him becomes a romance. I heard someone say that we go in as an army, but come out as the Lord's bride. Yes, we do fight a Spiritual battle, but how great to know the Lord has already won! He wants to meet with us in love. It doesn't matter if we make mistakes, it doesn't matter if we don't lead perfect lives, because the gift He longs to give is redemption.  We can't do it alone...I don't want to do it alone. I hope you take joy in knowing that we can have life eternally with a God who is remarkably greater than we can ever imagine! 

So there is a little bit on how I feel, I could go on and on forever. Taking some of what I used to post, I love and thrive off creativity. Dance, music, and poetry, is truly the seams of my being. I believe the Lord has given art as a gift to carry out the love of Christ, and I know I would be lost without it all. Not staying in one place for very long has always been something that has never changed in my life, or in my family’s for that matter. I used to despise it… but now I love it because I've realized you can’t run from who you are, and yes...a gypsy would be the proper word (affectionately). Night time is my time, and in the midst of sleeplessness comes the most inspiration for writing music and dance.  Chocolate? Yes please.  Oh, and everything tastes better after midnight. Coffee or tea sounds great at any time of the day, and I'm always up for a great conversation. I guess I'll close this with a favorite song, it goes well with tonight's theme.

Blessings and Peace...


  1. A new blog home! So wishes for this new endeavor. Love you much! and thank you for putting me in your blogroll.

  2. Thanks!! I love you too, and of course you're in my blogroll!! We should catch up soon!
